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Outstanding Items

  • AutoCAD VBA installation – done
  • Accident Data access
  • Folder access – done
  • Chrome installation if available
  • Printers and Plotters setup?
  • Oyster and electric bike
  • Topo contacts
  • GIS contact – Paul McNicholas
  • Traffic Orders contact
  • Contractor contacts
  • Standard details
  • Any internal design guide
  • Timings – 36hr/week


Hyacinth Daley schemes

Dumpton Place planter

\\camden\teams\TrafficEngineering\Cptl_Schms\2015-16\_CN\Chalk Farm ABS\06 – Drawings\05 – Eastbound\04 – Eastbound Permanent\DETAIL DESIGN

\\\teams\TrafficEngineering\Cptl_Schms\2018-19\C & N\Cantelowes Area Scheme\08_Drawings

Richard Walter schemes

Arlington Road LTN

\\\teams\TrafficEngineering\Cptl_Schms\2020-21\COVID-19\Filters\08_Drawings\01 – Working Drawings\Phase 3\Arlington LTN

T:\Cptl_Schms\2020-21\COVID-19\Filters\08_Drawings\01 – Working Drawings\Phase 3\Arlington LTN


Jon Legge schemes

Main Road HSS


  • Main Road School Streets – will need to liaise with the PM who is Jon Legge for now but will be Jacqueline Saunders later
  •  Charterhouse (24/25 )
  • Disabled bays by Rena. Examples

Drive Mapping

G: \\\Apps

K: \\\apps\CAD\

M: \\\Apps\CAD\dwg\

P: \\\Teams\Engservice

T: \\\teams\TrafficEngineering


K:\AutoCAD Standards\Blocks\Templates

M:\CAD Base Maps 2012

OS Base Maps

Issues with OS Tiles:

  • Insertion units are inches – they should be either metres or unitless.
  • They aren’t trimmed properly
  • They seem to be at wrong scale, hence 1000m x 1000m tiles. More detailed OS tiles come in 500m x 500m size.


Standard Details

\\\apps\cad\Projects\West End Project\ZZZ – Superseded File Structure\Sketch\Standard details\Volume 8 – Standard Contract Drawings camden

Google Drive Direct Link converter

Google Drive Direct Link Generator

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